Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Post-Feminism Reading/Research


Bridget Jones's Diary

1. "She is the product of modernity in that she has benefited from those institutions (education) which have loosened the ties of tradition and community for women"
2. "
We immediately know that what she is thinking is “what will it be like if I never find the right man, if I never get married?”"
3. "
Feminism has intervened to constrain these kinds of conventional desires. It is then, a relief to escape this censorious politics and freely enjoy that which has been disapproved of"


1. "Looking down admiringly at her substantial cleavage"
2. "
A textbook “sexist ad” dimension"
3. "
Taking feminism into account by showing it to be a thing of the past, by provocatively “enacting sexism”"


1. "A self-consciously “sexist ad”"
2. "
Feminism is “taken into account,” but only to be shown to be no longer necessary"
3. "
There is nothing remotely naive about this striptease. She seems to be doing it out of choice, and for her own enjoyment"

Lad Mags

1. "It is not at all unusual to pass young women in the street wearing T-shirts bearing phrases such as “Porn Queen” or “Pay To Touch” across the breasts"
2. "
Young women quite happily attend lap dancing clubs"
3. "
The repudiation of a feminism invoked only to be summarily dismissed"

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